Woof Street Bistro is what happens when passionate food lovers get together and decide to share their talents with the world. We try to find local producers, farmers, and retailers for our favorite ingredients when available. Everything is made fresh and ready to take on the go at your convenience. Come celebrate togetherness and full-bellies with us.

Griffin Black Angus & Hog Farm
Sitting high atop the Cherokee mountains Griffin farms has been raising cattle and hogs since 1969. Growing their own feed and breeding their own lines allows them to create their own lean black angus beef for just the right mix of flavor in every bite.
Products we serve:
Ground Beef
Breakfast Pork Sausage
Premium Steaks
Pork Tenderloin

Waynesville Soda Jerks
Bringing their own pizazz to all natural sugar cane sodas, Waynesville Soda Jerks will tantalize your taste buds and leave you wanting to try all their flavors. They have inspired us to create several jams based off their flavors (apple rosemary for The Orchard and blackberry serrano moonshine jam for The Hillbilly Goat as well as a blueberry basil jam that we have yet to come up with a sandwich for but is great for biscuits!)
We rotate these flavors
Blueberry Basil
Lavender Lemon
Concord Grape
Apple Rosemary
Strawberry Rhubarb
Blackberry Serrano
Raspberry Cream
Plum Lime

Christopher Farms
Haywood Counties go to local produce stand for restaurant and consumer alike. They have been a fixture in our town for as long as I can remember. Sitting just below an apple orchard and framed with great mountain views they bring an amazing variety of local produce and locally made products.
Products we serve:
Tons of Okra!
All sorts of fruits and vegetables to make all of our veggie and pasta salads, jams, and sauces.

Packa's Place
Blue Ridge Beefalo
Home to the Blue Ridge Beefalo a 100% organic, grass fed, hormone and antibiotic free hybrid cattle. They are 3/8 American Buffalo and 5/8 domestic cattle. This provides a lean and tasty product that is mild enough for a gentle palate but flavorful enough for the exotic meat lover. With a well-stocked bar, rotating food trucks, and amazing outdoor ambiance The Barn at Packa's Place is a happening spot throughout the year. Stop by and have a drink with these adorable animals.
Products we serve:
Ground Beefalo

Firewalker Hot Sauce
For all you heat lover's, Firewalker is a perfect blend of flavor and spice. Made in the beautiful Asheville mountains. Whether spicing up a bowl of chili or adding some extra kick to your hot dog we always have some Firewalker on hand!
Products we use:
Running with the Reaper X hot